Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday's Recipe

     Good morning  - again here on Long Island it is absolutely freezing!!!!  The temperature is something ridiculous like 16 degrees!!!!  Thank God spring is right around the corner.  It's funny if someone were to ask me what i like about the winter is warm cozy wool and cashmere sweaters - otherwise i love warm weather - i love the way the bright sunshine makes me feel - i feel just more awake and alive and i feel like i have amore motivation to actually do things!!!  I also love the fall - especially the fall colors and all of the delicious fruits and veggies that this time of year has to offer!!!!
     Well yesterday was a pretty good day - although i didn't have such great luck thrifting I was able to pick up a few things i needed - nothing worth posting.  The highlight of my day was probably an awesome conversation that I had last night with a very special friend.  The power of friendship and just talking to someone is amazing - i never realized how much a simple phone call when you are feeling a bit down can totally make your day.  
     Prior to my phone call i made a yummy dinner and promised to post the recipe - let me warn you - i really don't measure my spices or the amount of veggies I use so the numbers are approximate!!
  " Quinoa with roasted veggies and fresh tomato sauce over arugula salad"

1/4 cup dried quinoa ( that has been rinsed thoroughly - this helps to get rid of the slight bitterness that can result if not rinsed)
Assorted veggies - i used asparagus, eggplant, red peppers, tomatoes and broccoli
    First I took my quinoa and boiled it with water, salt and mi
nced onion. While the quinoa was cooking roast the veggies in oven - i broil them on 400 for approximately 25 minutes - the veggies are lightly covered with olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic.  While the veggies were cooking i made my tomato sauce by taking fresh cherry tomatoes and sauteeing them with garlic, fresh basil and oregano.
    Once quinoa and veggies cooked - I took fresh arugula 
and topped with the quinoa veggies and fresh sauce!!!  Simple, easy and very satisfying.  If you have never tried quinoa i highly recommend it - it has a slightly nutty taste and is a nice alternative to brown rice. 

Quinoa is a great source of protein especially for vegetarians - hope you try it and enjoy it - feel free to experiment with any kind of veggies you have on hand!!!!!

Well i hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!!!!  Let me know if you liked the recipe - maybe ill post more in the future!!!
Todays quote: this is dedicated to my special friend who I spoke to last night!!
   "Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another "What! You too? I thought I was the only one."  C.S. Lewis
       xoxo aimee


  1. Hey Aimee, first commenter today...YAYYYYYY ;]

    Glad you had a good day yesterday, and the quinoa looks amazing.

    It is strange, but I haven't ever had quinoa except for breakfast! ;] I was trying a gluten free diet for like 2 months and It replaced my oatmeal, since it often has gluten from processing. Anyways, if you haven't had it as a breakfast cereal, it is great with dried fruit. I cooked mine overnight in a tiny crock pot!

    Have a beautiful saturday!


  2. Friendship is so special, theres been a lot of posts on that lately and it makes me happy! :)

  3. I love quinoa :) I think it's probably my favorite grain after oatmeal... your recipe looks like the kind of thing I often do with my quinoa... random roasted veggies and some kind of sauce... always delish. But quinoa is really good in a sweet dish as well with milk and fruit.

    I can't wait for the summer... I'm tired of bundling up in 7 layers just to go outside. Hope you're having a wonderful Saturday hun!

  4. That quinoa looks so yummy. Thank you for sharing the recipe! Too bad you didn't find anything super exciting while thrifting. Still, the process in itself is fun though!
    And I'm so glad the conversation with your friend brightened up your day. While ED may want us to be isolate and alone, having people to talk to can make such a difference in our happiness. Hope you have a fabulous (and friend filled ;) ) weekend!

  5. love quinoa, its so good, have you ever tried red quinoa that is really good too, its like the same as the regular kind but red haha, oh and yes quinoa could be a good breakfast grain, i should do that soon :)
    looks like a delicious dinner lovie, and so happy your chat with Amanda brightened your day! have a great saturday!

  6. love quinoa so yummi! i love your recipe i may have to make a similar thing tonight ;] love the roasted veggies!
    and friends are so great and i am so happy that you have found so much support through the blog-world.


  7. hey amy! wow that quote at the end was so inspiring, thanks so much(: i love the quinoa, its so delicious! the blog world really is amazing isnt it? every one is sooo nice(; have a great saturday xoxo soph

  8. friendships are the best and should be cherished so much, i am so happy to have met and "met" such amazing amazing friends, through blogging, that have helped me so much. its wonderful.

    Am i weird haha, that i wish for an infinite winter or fall..hehe..i love cold, maybe its my ed fearing the warmth, bc i have relapsed every summer for the past 3 years :( but i am trying to embrace each season and trying to look forward to the sunnier and warmer months ahead..i do miss being able to just go on walks without my body being numb with the cold. haha. ;)
    I love quinoa! its my fave! love it with roasted veggies!

    xx lots of love

  9. omg i loveeeee quinoa! i had it for lunch today and yumyum delicioso! take care dearie, love you loads!!

  10. Love the recipe! I'd love to see more of your creations.

    I'm so happy you got to enjoy a nice chat on the phone with a special friend :) That can totally brighten up a frigid cold winter day.


  11. Awe I am glad your day went so well :)

    quinoa is an awesome grain! :D i used to cook with it a lot.
