Wednesday, January 27, 2010

     Happy Wednesday!!!!!!! I hope everyone had a great stress free Tuesday.   I woke again today super early - like 5Am!!!   It seems no matter what time I go to bed I still wake up super early.
I was able to do some early morning stretching and now am just enjoying a freshly brewed cup of organic vanilla coffee lightly sweetened with Nunaturals liquid vanilla stevia.  I LOVE this brand of stevia - it has a nice hint of vanilla without any of the bitterness that is associated with most brands of stevia.   Nunaturals also sells a delicious pure 
extract powder that I also highly recommend - i typically use the powder in my "yogurt messes"
    Breakfast today I must say was a delicious new recipe inspired by this lovie - amanda jane!!!!
oatmeal pancakes - i followed her recipe exactly except I used stevia as my sweetener and topped these luscious pillows with fresh strawberries, blueberries and a drizzle of agave.
It was wonderful - so good that I forgot to take a picture!!!  Thanks lovie for the suggestion!!

Overall yesterday was a good day - I thoroughly enjoyed my yoga class and then went to work for a few hours.  I then met up with my friend at Barnes and Noble where we chatted over chai tea and I bought this amazing new book - How to Cook everything Vegetarian by Mark Bittman.  What a great book - I know alot of bloggers have been saying they want to experiment with new recipes - well this is definately a must buy book - it has millions of recipes that are easy to follow and sound delicious and are all vegetarian!!!!  I promise to post some of my favorites!!!!   

Well plan for today is therapy this morning and then work this afternoon.  i hope you all have a great Wednesday !!!!!!!!!
   Todays inspiration: " believe in yourself and all that you are. know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle"  Christian D. Larson
                                          xoxo aimee  



  1. nunaturals sounds good, and love Amanda's oat pancakes ahh silly Aimee forgot again to snap a photo haha ;P
    sounds like stretching and yoga was a great way to spend your early morning...i htink a lot of ED sufferers awake so early b/c their body is hungry usually and malnourished idk?...someone told me that once...well have a great wednesday! xox


  2. Aimee!!!
    Ahh loved this post lovie!!! That sunflower mug is adorable, I love mugs and abit obsessed with collecting big cute ones ;P SO HAPPY you made and liked my pancakes yayy!! made my morning YES please please please post some recipes that would be awesome!!! So glad yoga went well, and hope today is wonderful for you Aimee my twinnie love!!!
    loveu! xoxoxo Amanda

  3. you forgot to take a picture?
    or did you really just not eat them???

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous poster,
    the reason you are anonymous is bc you are a cowardl!! I feel really sorry for you that you have to put down a struggling anorexic, as that it probably the lowest thing a person can do, you disgust me and I would love to throw that yummy pancake that Aimee ATE at your face

  6. mmmm i gotta get that natural vanilla sweetner! whole foods, correct?
    definitely post your fav recipes! i usually use the internet as my "cook book" I have NO patience hahah.

  7. isn't it funny how so many gals with EDs wake up super early no matter what? Is that a coincedence? I do that too, I can't sleep in. My roommates think I'm nuts! Def post some of your fav recipes. I'm excited!

  8. love you Aimee, and dont let these stupid Anonymous people get you down they are cowards as Amanda said and you are amazing, and i believe in you so much, urgg i HATE these anonymous commenters, so harsh and just uncalled for!!!!

    love you aimes, i am always here if you need anything..
