Sunday, January 17, 2010


Hi there and happy Sunday night!!!  I hope you all had a relaxing and stress-free weekend.
Usually i don't post at night but I must admit the last 2 days have been stress filled and I have been struggling a bit - but on the positive side im finally feeling better after a day of venting to a friend, thrift shopping and of course reading all of your blogs!!!!
       I finally snapped out of it when I realized that stress only makes me resort to my Ed behaviors which I realize are UNHEALTHY and I am deserve better.  You all have inspired me to take the risks that I need to because without risks recovery is not possible.
       Well onto the food - I just finished an amazing dinner: whole wheat linguine on top a bed of fresh spinach all topped with roasted asparagus, cherry tomatoes and eggplant!!!  It was delicious - the addition of fresh basil and oregano made the meal.  Pasta is typically a "fear" food for me but tonight I realized that I deserve to eat what I want and pasta is what I wanted!! Sorry for no pictures - I was all ready to take it and realized my batter had died!!!  Here is my awesome find today at Anthropologie - an adodrable set of measuring spoons and a cute little covered dish to match - all on sale!!!! I love this store!!!
      Well I hope you all have a great Monday - thanks again for all the encouragement!!!
              xoxo aimee



  1. such cute measuring spoons! I must invest in some cute spoons ;]
    its so tough to stay on track when you are struggling but hang in there girlie! you did awesome today and can continue to do so ;] sending lots of love your way <3

  2. You do deserve to eat what you want, you're completely right! I am so proud of you for having something YOU wanted, and not something ED told you was "safe" to have.
    Life is yours, and if Aimee wants a certain thing, Aimee is allowed to have it. You should even have to allow yourself to have it, you should just have it!

    You are so strong, and you have to keep reminding yourself of that.

    Love love love!
    Eleanor. xo

  3. love your measuring spoons!! and yay for pasta, sounds so good, and so proud of you lovie for challenging yourself to it, as Eleanor said you deserve to eat what YOU want!
    hope you had a great night!!


  4. i loved those measuring spoons!!!

    congrats on the pasta! that is a GREAT accomplishment. and all that matters is that you did it sweetie. because each time you challenge yourself, the easier it will become.

    brooke :)

  5. oh my goodness those measuring spoons are simply adorable! every time i go into anthropologie i see those and all of their dishes and dream to when i'll have to decorate my house. it's basically going to be anthropologie in house form haha.
    have a lovely day!

  6. love your blog, you are so inspiring! That pasta dish sounded amazing and healthy. You go girl! :)

  7. I have those measuring spoons as well. ;) Cute and handy!
    Good for you for challenging ED in eating what you wanted. He's a bossy little bugger and deserves to be shown who's boss, one tasty bite of pasta at a time. I'm sorry you've been struggling and hope things feel better soon.


  8. its so tough to stay on track when you are struggling but hang in there girlie!

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