Sunday, January 31, 2010
Last Day of January!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday's Recipe
Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday 1-29-10
Thursday, January 28, 2010
"The Gift of Friendship"
Happy Thursday everyone!!!!!!! I can't believe today is already Thursday and only 3 more days until February 1st!!!!!! Where has the time gone?????
The package included dried fruit (magoes and pineapple - my fav), luna and cliff bars, yummy blueberry tea (my obsession with anything blueberry), Anthro plaid door knob (luv anything plaid!), an adorable handmade headband - with my favorite colors and probably the cutest most creative ring made into the shape of a SUNFLOWER!!!! She also included the most inspirational, heart-felt letter i have ever recieved - i cannot thank her enough - nothing is better than handmade gifts!!!! She is truly an AMAZING friend that I am so thankful to have found and i know well be friends for life!!
My package also included the adorable spice jars and flower print that I ordered from Etsy - if you haven't checked out her site - please do - you will be so impressed by her talent!!!! I was totally uplifted by this special delivery!!!!!
Friendships truly are meant to be treasured!!!! I believe that it is thru each others kind words and gestures any obstacle can be overcome!!!! I am so lucky to be able to call many of you my friends!!!!!!!!!!
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around..." (Leo Buscalgia)
Amanda: mi cara amica!!!!!
Happy Thursday to all - i luv you all and appreciate all of your kind words and friendship!!
Lots of love - aimee
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Creative Outlets
Good morning - I just woke up and happy that the sun is shining - don't you feel so much better when the weather is nicer? I know I do. Today I plan on doing one of my favorite "outlets" - that being yoga.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Good morning everyone and Happy Sunday - I woke up super early again today - like 4:30 and just could NOT get back to sleep!!! So as I sat with my warm mug of Pumpkin Spice Green Mountain coffee lightly sweetened with stevia and dash of almond milk I did some journaling and came across this quote: "Every journey begins with a single step." I thought about this for a while and realized that this is my motivational quote for the week. I sometimes think that looking at recovery in terms of the big picture can sometimes be so overwhelming. Going to therapy appointments, trying to make major food changes and breaking daily routines can all seem so overwhelming!!! What do I do first - stop calorie counting? add more calories? try new foods? add more healthy fats? go out to eat more? for me trying to "answer" all of these questions can be quite overwhelming - so much to the point where you don't want to even try any of them!!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
So Worth It
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Hi there and happy Sunday night!!! I hope you all had a relaxing and stress-free weekend.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Facing our Fears
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Power of Thought
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Who am I????
Good morning and happy Saturday!!! As I sit here on this early and cold Saturday morning with my morning ritual of freshly brewed coffee lightly sweetened with vanilla agave I am contemplating my "homework" for the week from my therapist - who am I?????
All too often our Ed takes away our identity and we are forced to look at ourselves as being only our eating disorder. It takes away from us our hopes, dreams and aspirations. We are left unfortunately with lives that can be filled with unhappiness and doubt about our futures and what our lives would be like without Ed. I know that this has happened to me and that I have forgotten who the real Aimee is without my Ed. After having a wonderful conversation yesterday with my 2 favorite bloggers (Eliza and Maya) I realize that we are so much more than our Ed - each of us have so many hidden talents and dreams that we want to accomplish in life and that sometimes our Ed holds us back.
So today I challenge you all to try to look at yourself without Ed - what does the future hold for each of us, what do we want out of life - for me when I am at a better place I hope one day to be able to help others who are suffering. For me this is my inspiration to get better - I know that I cannot help others until I myself am at a healthy and better mindset. Recovery is possible - that much I know - and after reading the blog "seek" recovery seems like a wonderful thing!!!!
Enjoy your weekend - next week I promise some yummy recipes and food photos - things im currently loving:
organic greek yogurt messes, oatmeal inspired by the oatmeal queens (they know who they are!!!!), savory polenta with roasted root vegetables and tart frozen yogurt topped with homemade granola and dried blueberries!!!!
xoxo aimee
Friday, January 8, 2010
"Turn to the Light"
Happy Friday lovies!!!!!!
First off I would just like to say a huge thank you to all who have welcomed me to the blogging world!!!!! YOur well wishes have made me feel so good about my decision to start blogging and continue to move forward on my journey to recovery!!!!
As I sit at my kitchen table with my freshly brewed Keurig Green Mountain Organic Colombian blend coffee I am longing for those warm summer mornings of June and July - here on Long Island its cold and snowing again - but I guess that is the weather for January and it is winter. For all who know me - i am basically obsessed with sunflowers - they are all in my kitchen , bedroom basically everywhere - why you ask?
For me the sunflower represents life, energy and beauty. This past summer I actually grew my own little field of sunflowers and to watch how a tiny sunflower seed can grow into a tall, beautiful flower to me is still amazing. With the correct nourishment, love and care - it blossoms. What I also noticed is how the plant always stretched and grew towards the sunlight.
They truly are miraculous flowers that can grow to great heights with proper care and blossom into a beautiful flower with vibrant shades of yellow.
So today as I am reminded of those warm days of summer I think how I too can turn to the light and grow - food is our precious fuel that can help us to grow too like the sunflower and reach our full potential - without it we will wither and not be able to produce those vibrant shades of yellow. How do you reach your full potential?
I am still working on a few "kinks" with my camera so no food posts as of yet but soon I promise - by the way does anyone know how to add a blog roll to my blog??? Any suggestions to mine would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!
Hope you enjoyed todays post on my love of sunflowers. I hope you all have a positive day and a restful fun filled weekend!!!!!!!!!!! xxoo Aim