Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1st - "Sticky Monday"

Good morning and happy Monday - Today is a "sticky" day - its March 1st and do you know what holiday today is "National Peanut butter Day!!!"  Peanut butter is probably the most popular spread for sandwiches in the United States.

Some facts about peanuts:  
  1. Peanuts are actually not nuts at all - they are ac
tually legumes, like peas and lentils!!!
  2. Americans eat 3 pounds of peanut butter per person each year!!!
  3. One acre of peanuts will make 30,000 peanut butter sandwiches!!!
  4. Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of getting
 peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth!!
  5. 60% of consumers prefer creamy over the crunchy variety
  6. Spread the word - peanut butter is the leading use of peanuts in the USA.

What are your favorite brands of peanut butter - and what  is your favorite way of using this spread?????

By the way if you can't enjoy this enough today - don't worry - tomorrow is National Peanut Butter and Jelly day!!!!!!   (i love jelly - especially fruit preserves)

                    Have a glorious Monday everyone and eat your peanut butter!!!!!!!
xoxo aimee


  1. ahh peanut butter day! yay hehe...and pbj day tomorrow even better ;]
    loved reading those facts about PB.."Americans eat 3 pounds of peanut butter per person each year!!!" wow! haha :]
    enjoy lots of yummi PB today cutie! ;]

    love you Aimee

  2. I totally had pb in my oats and didnt know it was national pb day. Wohooo. love it!

  3. It's like one of the cutest 'holidays' ever!!!!

    Have a wonderful PB day, lovie!

  4. Those pb facts were very interesting!! Do you think that all nut butters count.. or are they just talking about PEANUT butter.. because almond butter is the shittttttt. lol
    This post made me want some pb.. totally having some when I get home from school.. pos strait out of the jar?? I mean after all, that is one of the greatest ways to eat it :D

  5. Happy first day of March, Aimee!

    Sadly, I can't celebrate National PB day, because I'm allergic to the stuff.. but I got my almond butter fix this morning, if that counts :)

  6. Aimee
    his was too cute! Happy national pb day to you loveyy! hmm my favorite is probably PB&Co mighty maple! Love you so much beauty have a day full of love, happiness, and maybe some pb.
    Love YOU!!!

  7. wow, that apple looks delicious! Hope you had a great monday!


  8. i think i have eaten 3 lbs of pb in the last two weeks

  9. yay peanut butter day! on apples is the best! Hope you had a lovely Monday :D xx

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. ahhh PB is the best (except for almond butter)
    but omg I swear I probably eat way more than 3 lbs of PB in a year...1 jar is like a pound and I go through a jar like every month. (It's the cheapest of all my nut butters)
    Great post! I hope your week has been fantabulous!
    And happy March, too! I hope your MONTH will be a lot better than mine was last month!
    February is so icky, non?

  12. oops! I forgot! Favortie brand: Maranatha roasted, unsalted, no stir PB
    Favorite way to eat it: on carrots, in a peanut-butter-carrot sandwich, or with whipped banana oats and cinnamon. YUMMY! It's good on EVERYTHING! Sweet and savory!
