Sunday, March 14, 2010


"Just as sunflowers turn their heads to catch every sunbeam so too have we discovered a way to get more from out sun."  (

Happy Sunday!!!!!!!!!!   Hope all of you who live in the east remembered to move your clocks ahead one hour!!!!  Although we lost an hour of sleep I still love this time of year - it means we gain one more hour of sunshine.  Well yesterday actually turned out to be a great day despite the horrible weather.  I found out that my best friend was discharged from the hospital and thankfully home.  we talked for hours on the phone and skyped while eating our favorite snack - frozen yogurt!!  I had Red Mango original and cocoa topped with fresh bananas, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries and added some organic cinnamon - heavenly!!
While I was there I was so excited to hear that
 next week in honor of spring - new flavors: blueberry, white peach and raspberry green tea!!!!!!!!
Dinner was also one of my favorites : roasted sweet potato rounds with organic ketchup and grilled tofu on top of fresh arugula with homemade honey mustard dressing!!!  I enjoyed it so much that I forgot to take a picture but here is what my sweet potatoes look like after roasting.  I take my sweet potatoes and cut them into half inch rounds then spray with olive oil and season with fresh sea salt, chili powder and garlic - then roast on broil for 25 minutes at 400 degrees - they come out crispy on the outside while soft on the inside!!!  I love my sweet potatoes spicy!!!!!

I also particularly like my tofu spicy as well - i simply cut the tofu into blocks and season with salt, smoked paprika, garlic and chili powder - spray with olive oil and broil for 20 minutes.  During the last 10 minutes of broiling i brush on my homemade mustard dressing 
                            Recipe for mustard dressing:
              1. Annie's organic yellow mustard - about a tablespoon
              2. Heinz apple cider vinegar - about 1 and a half teaspoons
              3. Stevia
              4. Annie's barbecue sauce - about 1 and a half teaspoons
Mix all together and add some water to thin it out to desired consistency.  This is a great dressing for arugula and spinach salads as well.

Well I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday filled with bright sunshine and thoughts of spring!!!!!      xoxo aimee


  1. Aimee :)

    I love this time of year as well. It is just so pretty and feels so clean!
    That green tea frozen yogurt sounds great!

    I think I will try that recipe today!


  2. Mmm...I love frozen yogurt! I've never tried Red Mango though...

    Was Amanda in the hospital? Is that why she hasn't been blogging?

    - Ava

    P.S. I don't know if I've commented on your blog but I've been a reader since day 1.

  3. Your dinner sounds delicious, Aimee! Baked sweet potato with coconut butter is one of my favorite things to eat :)

    I love this time of year, but the time change messed me up this morning... I completely forgot the clocks moved ahead, so there was a bit of confusion ;)

    Hope you're enjoying your Sunday night, love <3

  4. ahh sweet potatoes are so delicious aren't they.

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