Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Things that Make Me SMILE"

snow again - yes that is what i awoke to yesterday !!!!!!!!!!!!
-As i peeked out my window i was greeted by a winter wonderland - well this positive attitude quickly diminished as i stumbled to my kitchen to my trusty Krueg and brewed a fresh cup of Green Mountain Breakfast Blend in my fav mug.  As i sat sipping my indulgence reading one of my favorite magazines "The New Yorker" i contemplated my long day ahead of me - and just the thought of how the snow would just complicate things even more just seemed to add more unnecessary stress to my day and it was only 6AM.
         Normally i would let these little menial things like a snowstorm affect my entire day, my mood and my eating.  As i looked around my humble abode i noticed things around me that just lift my spirits and make me happy - my flowers from Valentine's day, pictures of my family and friends and watercolors of beautiful bouquets made by a special friend.   What things help put a smile on your face each and every day????   The day went uneventful - work, picked up a few things at the store and headed home in the snow - and indulged in one of my favorite outlets - making collages out of my fav magazines -  i love making collages - especially for others!!

Love all of the new styles for spring!!!!
What are some of your favorite fashion magazines and ideas for the spring???
On today's agenda - hopefully breakfast on skype with a friend , Anthropolgie run, therapy and a jam packed afternoon in the office!!!!   I wish you all a day filled with PEACE!!!!
xoxo aim


  1. Hi Aimee, this is a very cute blog! I’m working with Green Mountain, and I think you and your readers would like to know that we’re having a great sampling promotion going on. Right now it is in Dallas, ending this Friday 02/19. Tell friends and family! More cities coming up, NYC will have it between March 15 and 19, so blog and tweet about this promotion, but don’t miss it!

  2. AIM!
    Love this post to death, love collaging isn' it so relaxing and silly fun. Yours look so cool loove them! And loove you for staying so positive and helping me see straight, you make me positively happy! Marty and Ralph say hi!!! Have a wonderful day aimee full of PEACE and possibilities, they are endless for you!

  3. Staying positive when the day doesn't start the way you want it to is a really great thing to do. Often when you don't feel so good at the start, it can cause the rest of the day to not work out so well either. It's great you could stop this from happening, have a good day regardless and do some things that you enjoy doing.
    Sarah :-)

  4. aw this post is perfect! so true, there are so many little things around us that can serve as reminders for all the love&happiness in our lives. thanks for the reminder!

    hope your thursday is wonderful dear Aimee! <3

