Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Look Inside Yourself"

      Good morning and happy Sunday my lovies!!!!   I woke up today to a beautiful sunrise - the sun is shining bright here in New York and its supposed to be in the high 40's - definately not typical February weather!!!  What a great way not only to start the day but also the start to NEDA week -
I've been thinking alot about this week and how i am moving on my road to recovery and i feel that i all too often focus on the negatives about mysel
f rather than the positives - i always think i should have or could have done something different, or better.  I am always striving to be the best daughter, sister and friend and feel that i always fall short of not only my expectations but also
 the expectations of others.  As a result i feel guilty and result to my ever so damaging ed behaviors.  I feel though i am at a different point in my life - i am now able to realize my "dis
ordered" thinking, ready to accept that i am not perfect and that life is a journey - a journey that has ups and downs, good days and bad but that with each day we are given a chance to make things better - a clean slate.  
Positive Affirmations - that is what i am going to try and practice each morning this week - 
      "Affirmations are like planting seeds in the ground.  First they germinate, then they sprout roots, and then they shoot up thru the ground.  It takes some time to go from a seed to a full-grown plant.  And so it is with affirmations - it takes some time from the first declaration to the final demonstration.  Be patient."  - Louise Hay
  I am realizing that i have so much to look forward to - so many things planned for my future - trips with my best friend, planning a 21st birthday for a special someone, getting healthy so that i can fully enjoy life!!!!!!!
         My affirmation for today - "I had a dream that i can fly - and i am ready with the help of my friends."
         This week look inside yourself to find that positive affirmation!!
Have a wonderful Sunday - ill be back tomorrow with a foodie and fashion post!!!!!!  Love to all xoxo aim                                                    


  1. Happy Sunday, Aimee! It's beautiful, sunny weather here as well :) I'm so glad that spring is on it's way.

    I think it's great to focus on positive affirmations. It becomes way too easy to fall into negative thinking and a negative mindset; that just makes life seem more miserable and hopeless. But we need to start living for what we HAVE versus what we lack. When we really stop to think about it, there's so many things to be grateful for, and I think it's awesome that you're focusing on those things :)

  2. Thank you for the great inspiring post. It really helped me today :)


  3. Aimee
    This post was absolutely incredible, you are so wise, insightful, knowledeable, STRONG, courageous, beautiful, amazing. ok that said! positive affirmations are such a great start to beginning to love yourself again, I want you to wake up and look in the mirror and be able to scream to the world "I AM BEAUTIFUL, DAMNIT!!" because you are, and you deserve a free life, free as a flying bird ;p you have a dream aim and will be flying so soon i know it!
    i love you so much honeybell
    thank you for these words today, couldn't have come at a better time! <3

    p.s. that bcbg cowl sweater dress is tres lovely on you

  4. yay for new beginnings <333 love ya girlie
