Thursday, February 11, 2010


       Life is precious - a gift given to us - to be cherished - each and every day.  
Yesterday a dear friend of mine learned that a friend from high school committed suicide.  Upon hearing this i realized how precious life is and how we must cherish each and every day as well as those people in our lives who we truly care about.  I wanted just to reach out to my friend and be there for her during this difficult time - unfortunately we live hundreds of miles away so the phone was our only method of communication.  I
 feel like no matter what I say will comfort her but i guess just being there for her is the most important thing.
       I am mentioning this on my blog today because since la
st night I have been thinking about how precious our lives are and how much our Ed takes from us - i don't want Ed to take from my life the time and energy that I could be using for more important things - like my friends and family!!!    Life changes in an instant - we need to appreciate and cherish the lives we have - each and every day!!   
As i awoke today i realized how grateful i am for "today" - a new day, the love of my family and especially my friend who is struggling with this news - i am thinking of you and am here for you!!!!   What are you thankful for?????

On to the food front - yesterdays yummy meal:  Toasted Ezekial pita 
 (love these) stuffed with fresh spinach, Bibb lettuce, hummus and roasted eggplant and peppers!!!!
  Hummus and roasted veggies totally remind me of summer - 
Well i wish all of you have a wonderful Thursday and cherish this day!!!!!!!!!!!  Love to all
  xoxo aimee


  1. i love your optimism aim, it shines through every post.
    love you so much <3

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's loss. Even if you didn't know her personally, hearing about someone dying so young is hard. And it's especially difficult to want to help someone but feeling helpless to do so because of distance. You sound like such an amazing and caring friend!
    This post reminded me of a quote- "Every day is a gift, that's why they call it the present!" ... So screw ED and let's live it up!


  3. i am so so sorry lovie to read that your friend lost someone :( i know how hard that can be, but she is so lucky to have someone as kind and supportive as you to talk to! you are so right, life is too precious to waste in an ED, i try to embrace each day and stay in the moment and be positive about life it is hard but it is such a great thing to focus on to relish each moment to the fullest!

    love you xx
    and that pita looks delicious by the way, love Ezekiel pitas!!


  4. I'm sorry to hear about your friend, Aimee. But it's great that you were there for her when she needed someone. I'm sure that your support helped a lot.

    I love your message in this post. Life is so, so precious. Oftentimes we don't realize just how precious until something is taken away from us. Every moment needs to be cherished and lived. Today I'm thankful for the love and support of my family; I don't know what I would do without them.

  5. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I am glad that you could be there for her.


  6. You have been there for me and helped me more than you will ever know aim, thank you for this kind amazing post I am so lucky to have you. You are so precious to me
    Love you

  7. Your insight was really inspiring to me, as I feel my ed has stripped and taken so many things from me
    I'm sorry about your friend, I know how hard it is, I lost my grandfather through his suicide.
    Really living everyday fully is so important:)
    Thanks for that Reminder!
    Stay Strong and Keep working at recovery
    may peace be with you,

  8. omigosh... god bless your friend. that is terrible :( but thank you for the reminder of how precious life is. i'm calling up my friend now just to say hi!

