Sunday, September 19, 2010

Holding onto Summer

I woke up this morning to glorious sunshine however it was quite chilly here on Long Island hence the multitude cups of Green Mountain Breakfast blend coffee - nothing like a warm cup of jo while blogging with the sunshine. Although it feels like fall already the first day of fall is actually not until Wednesday!!!

My eats over the past week have been nothing too exciting - trying to enjoy the last of the late summer produce and fruits. Precisely my impulse to buy a fresh pineapple despite the colder weather. Pineapples not only taste good but are a great source of Vitamin C and also contain bromelin - this is an enzyme that helps aid in the digestion of protein, helps prevent indigestion and also has antiinflammatory properties - great for those suffering from any arthritis or sports related sprains or other injuries.

I personally like my pineapples very sweet - slightly overripe if you must!!!! How do you pick a ripe pineapple????? Ive heard million of different tricks - if you can pick a leaf easily from the center of the stalk - its ripe, if it smells like a pineapple its ripe, if it looks yellow then its ripe - the list goes on!!!! I actually use a combination of all of these but i have had the most luck with smelling the pineapple and also looking at the pineapple. The "eyes" also known as the cotyledons on the skin should be big and firm with a nice yellow (not green) hue. Smell the base of the pineapple - it should smell sweet - if you can't smell anything then don't buy the pineapple!!!! Once you get the pineapple home place the pineapple UPSIDE DOWN - yes you heard me right and let it sit for about a day or so. When a pineapple is placed upside down all of the sugar that is concentrated at the base gets evenly distributed throughout the flesh of the pineapple. Trust me - it works. If you don't do this when you cut it open you will see that the riper pineapple pieces are at the base and the flesh toward the leaves tend to be less ripe and often bitter.

I love pineapple freshly cut - i could eat tons at one sitting - hence part of my morning snack today. I love pineapple plain, mixed with yogurt, added to a banana smoothie, grilled with cinnamon or added to my salsas!!! What are your favorite ways to enjoy pineapple??

I've been trying to incorporate different grains into mydiet recently and made a wonderful recipe of quinoa with roasted red pepper tomato sauce served on top of spinach and roasted broccoli and eggplant slices. If you've never tried quinoa is delicious - a perfect grain to try because its actually a complete protein. The key to making quinoa however is to be sure to rinse it thoroughly before boiling to prevent a bitter taste to the grain. What i like about quinoa is how quickly it cooks and how versatile a grain it is. I have seen it used as a breakfast grain, in baking or simply just boiled. It has a nice texture with a slightly nutty flavor. What are some of your favorite grains??? I am hoping to try millet, and barley this week - any suggestions???

I am finding a new inspiration as i read through your blogs - my love of cooking and health has enabled me to broaden my horizons and include foods that i once enjoyed years ago but have strayed away from. Through blogging i have met so many wonderful people and am grateful for all of your words of encouragement!!!!! I am also thinking about changing my blog to worldpress - any thoughts on this or any suggestions???? I'm not the best on the computer so if anyone could help me id appreciate it!!!!! Enjoy your Sunday and ill be back tomorrow with a delicious new FOOD REVIEW - a delicious healthy cookie i tried - but you'll have to wait till tomorrow!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Outings

I still can't believe the summer is finally coming to an end - marked by Labor Day weekend. I am very much looking forward to the fall - love the crisp mornings, smell of cinnamon, vanilla baked apples and fields fun of blooming sunflowers.
Yesterday i embarked on one of my favorite outings - i took a ride out to eastern Long Island to visit the wineries and little farmstands. It was glorious - the sun was shining and there was a nice cool breeze - perfect weather for the beginning of fall. I was able to get loads of fresh veggies, pick the last of the peaches and visit my favorite sunflower farm to get a bunch of my beloved flowers for my kitchen table. I also picked up a bag of fresh ginger gold apples. My favorite kinds of apples include ginger gold, macoun, and mitzu.
Ginger gold are one of the first apples of the fall and are a mildly sweet yet tart apple. They have a nice crisp crunch and are a perfect eating apple. They are a hardy apple and will hold their shape during baking. I love baked apples or homemade applesauce on a cold fall night topped with freshly grated cinnamon!!

Before heading out i started my day with a usual summer breakfast of vanilla almond milk topped with fresh berries (the last of my blackberries - how i will miss them!!!) along with my favorite Kashi cinnamon harvest.

We were out for most of the day and I came home quite famished (ate lunch in the car) and was too tired to even think about a new recipe to whirl up soI decided to fall back on a favorite - breakfast for dinner - egg white omelette with fresh spinach, red roasted peppers and a fresh ripe tomato topped with basil and oregano. Alongside i toasted an Ezekial pita bread.

Well today im off to run some errands that desperately need to get done (food shopping and the like) and then im off to my brothers house for a Labor Day barbecue with friends.
Oh and here's a picture of a lovely creature I happened to spot earlier this morning -
A beautiful Praying Manthis - aren't they the most delicate creature you have ever seen???

Hope you all have a great and relaxing Labor Day and enjoy the fall like weather!!!!!!
xoxo aimee