Friday, August 5, 2011

Back to Blogging and a Fabulous Product Review - Sun Warrrior Goodness!!!

Happy Friday to everyone and I am so happy to be back to blogging. I have taken some much needed time for myself especially during the winter months to try and sort out my life, create new goals and do some inner searching. I really missed the blog world but kept up reading my favorites. After seeing the return of Amanda at Running with spoons - i realized how much i missed blogging and decided it was time to return.
With that - my first post will be in regards to a wonderful product that i recently discovered -Sun warrior Vegan Brown Rice Protein Powder. Although I am not a strict vegetarian - i do eat fish occasionally, i was looking for new protein sources to incorporate in my diet. I have tried whey protein in the past and found it really didn't agree with my stomach so i decided to try a brown rice powder.
Sun warrior is DEFINATELY the best rice protein powder out there. What I love about the product is the all natural ingredients, sweetened with stevia and the outstanding nutritional and protein profile. Not only do they make excellent protein powders but also super greens and activated barley. Currently the protein powder comes in three flavors: chocolate, vanilla and natural. I love both the vanilla and chocolate and use it daily - in smoothies, additions to oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogurt or even baking to make pancakes, muffins - the possibilities are endless!!
Not only are the products wonderful but also is their friendly customer service. THey are always available and are willing to answer any questions or help with ordering their wonderful products. I HIGHLY recommend visiting their website to look at their great products.
Currently on facebook they are holding a smoothie contest - if you submit your favorite smoothie recipe using one of their products you can win a year free of sun w
arrior products!!!
Here is the smoothie I entered!!! Please go there and vote for me if you like it!!

Well I am so happy to be back to blogging and I hope you all have a great weekend filled with sunshine and happiness!!!!
xoxo aimee